School booking confirmation
We can’t wait to empower your students! Before we do, we ask that you read and agree to our terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions:
My school’s presentation will take place on the date(s) and time(s) outlined in my booking form
I’ve checked that all information is correct in my school’s booking form
My school will not share any resources provided to us by Bloom From Within with another school or organisation, unless permission to do so is granted by Bloom From Within
I understand that our school logo may be used on the Bloom From Within website in the ‘our schools’ section, and that if my school wishes for this not to happen, I can contact
The school will provide suitable facilities for the program and provide a staff member to ensure the participation of enrolled students.
I have read and understood the cancellation and rescheduling policy here.
To accept the terms and conditions, please complete the form below.